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Saved by Juanita R. Martinez
on July 25, 2015 at 1:44:02 am

Welcome to Juanita R. Martinez's Electronic Portfolio

| Home | Reflection Letter | Matrix | Courses Taken | Leadership |Contact Me | POS | 36-Hour Review | LinkedIn |


About Me 

      Hello, my name is Juanita R. Martinez. I am a Secondary art teacher at Donna High School. I am the Art Dept. Head and teach a variety of Art courses such as Art I , Art II-Photography, Pre-AP Art 2D Studio and AP Art 2D Design/Drawing Studio. This will be my 7th year teaching. I am a certified MTT and the MTT mentor at my campus.  I am happily married to an amazing man that is very supportive of my education and have 3 wonderful children, a very handsome son and 2 beautiful daughters and we can't forget about our pets who are a big part of our family, 4 dogs and a turtle.  I have always been intrigued with Technology ever since I was younger and was gifted my very own computer with dial up internet, the world wide web was just a few years old and I am so amazed with how far its come. Personally I am always eager to learn about the latest gizmo or gadgets out there and am always trying to learn new ways that technology can enhance my Art curriculum.


E-Portfolio's Purpose

The purpose of my e-portfolio is to document all tasks and assignments completed during the coursework for the M.Ed. Educational Technology degree. This e-portfolio is a representation of my growth during the program as I worked my way through the competitive course work. My journey to become an Educational Technology professional has allowed me to develop the comprehensive skills chronicled in this wiki. 


E-Portfolio's Organization

The e-portfolio's organization allows the user to navigate through the pages to view all relevant artifacts in this program. These pages include project details, competencies learned and documentation of leadership skills required by the educational technology program. Links to all the main pages are provided in the menu bar at the top of each page. The links below also connect to the main pages of this e-portfolio.



Navigating the E-Portfolio

A web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari will allow you to view the e-portfolio. Individual projects may require Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader, QuickTime, Windows Media Player, or Flash Player. Each page of the e-portfolio is accessible through links located at the top of each page. Featured projects, as well as their artifact reports are accessible through links on the “Matrix" page. Information and projects for each course completed during my time in the program can be accessed through links on the “Courses Taken” page.


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