Artifact Report 6320
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by Juanita R. Martinez 9 years, 6 months ago
Juanita R. Martinez
EDTC 6320: Instructional Technology
Project Success: Using the ADDIE model to solve a Texas-sized problem.
Project Description:
The purpose of this project was to learn to work collaboratively in the development of an online module that address, Migrant high school seniors that need to meet minimum standards to obtain their high school diploma. Our groups goal for the learner to create a plan of action to determine their graduation requirement deficiencies, and complete those deficiencies six weeks prior to graduation.
Responsibilities Met:
- Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management
3.1, 3.2, 3.3
- Responsibility 4: Evaluation
4.2, 4.3
- Responsibility 5: Research
5.1, 5.2, 5.3
- Responsibility 6: Collaboration
6.1, 6.2, 6.3
Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
3.1 Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias.
3.1 Our team conducted research to identify the deficiencies of Migrant high school seniors that need to meet minimum standards to obtain their high school diploma. We developed a wiki using PBworks to present instruction. The instructional wiki includes the following media: Group Wiki used to host, collaborate and develop the project. We also used PowerPoint to present the media and Camtasia was used to create the multimedia presentation. Migrant high school seniors worked with PBworks as the desired source for the instruction.
3.2 Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning.
3.2 The project we completed was to provide the Migrant high school seniors with the opportunity to create a plan of action to determine their graduation requirement deficiencies, and complete those deficiencies six weeks prior to graduation. The project required us to research migrant students and their learning styles and demographics. There is a research page on the project wiki that documents the research conducted by the group.
3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement.
3.3 We worked collaboratively in the creation of this project, it required the group to assign roles, share findings in online group sessions, and provide feedback to all group members on the progress of their assigned responsibilities. We also collaboratively solved problems in the project and developed materials displaying this progress. The work on the project was continually being assessed and modified as needed until the final product was developed. All the work was being compiled by the Project Bricks and displayed on the group wiki.
Responsibility 4: Evaluation. The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
4.2 Demonstrates ability to use summative strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.
4.2 After the project was developed by the team, it was evaluated in a summative assessment for the quality of instruction.
4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives.
4.3 The project contained a summative assessment at the end of the instruction which was developed by the team and would be used to evaluate the quality of instruction. Students were assessed for feedback using questionnaires and surveys.
Responsibility 5: Research. The candidate collects, evaluates, and synthesizes research from a variety of appropriate sources in order to support decision-making in design, development, implementation and evaluation of instructional systems. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
5.1 Demonstrates ability to conduct comprehensive literature review and provide summation of a relevant topic in instructional technology.
5.1 Each group member was required to research a different characteristic of Migrant High School Seniors and either their learning styles or demographic. The research included an annotated bibliography by each group member. The annotated bibliographies of all group members were then compiled on the research page of the project wiki.
5.2 Uses research in instructional technology to justify academic decisions in course work projects and professional work-related responsibilities.
5.2 The collaborative project created by the group represents the research, for Project Success. The fifth and final brick of the project, contains a developed multimedia presentation on Camtasia. The presentation was originally started in PowerPoint and then uploaded to Camtasia as this tool not only allowed us to transfer our PowerPoint, but also to meet the requirements of the course. |
5.3 Uses research to justify selections of instructional strategies.
5.3 The collaborative project contained information on how to help Migrant students gain their high school credits in order to graduate. Based on the research, content was to deliver instruction that would need to be self-paced and it would need to be delivered as a hybrid of face-to-face and online. Therefore each Migrant high school student would be assigned a personalized packet. |
Responsibility 6: Collaboration. The candidate demonstrates the ability to form electronic teams in order to identify and solve problems and opportunities in the field of instructional technology. The candidate demonstrates effective team building skills in a distributed collaboration environment, and demonstrates how candidate's own students or colleagues can take advantage of electronic collaboration for distributed team building. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
6.1 Demonstrates the ability to team electronically with professionals to identify instructional problems or opportunities and devise appropriate solutions.
6.1 This collaborative project consisted of a team of professionals solving an instructional problem/opportunity. Meetings were held online through Blackboard Collaborative, through the wiki, and on occasion, face-to-face. Since we all worked and had conflicting schedules through Collaborative, and discussed possible solutions. The team members bios can be found on the members page of the project wiki.
6.2 Identifies trends in distributed instruction.
6.2 Our team identified several trends in distributed instruction. We also had to identify current technologies to collaborate as a team online; both synchronously and asynchronously. We all met and decided which tools would be better suited, and purchased them, if necessary. Because some of us were not familiar with Camtasia, we all experienced some degree of difficulty, however, with practice, we picked it up fairly quickly.Finally, we identified the potential of a wiki to host our project material as we collaborated and continually modified it. |
6.3 Demonstrates effective utilization of tools necessary to implement distributed instruction.
6.3 The delivery method of instruction used in this project was a PBWorks wiki and a Multimedia Presentation. PowerPoint and Camtasia were both used in the development of the multimedia presentation. PBWorks was also the wiki that was used for the project materials that could be modified by a collaborative team until the final product was created and hosted on the wiki.
Modifications Made
Due to the nature of this project and the deadlines we had to meet, the modifications were made on the wiki itself throughout the duration of the class. The feedback provided from one team member to the other were taken into account when doing such changes or modifications in the project.
Responsibility 3: Development, Utilization and Management. The candidate will develop, utilize and manage a variety of media and instructional technologies to deliver instruction to students. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
3.1 Demonstrates ability to develop instruction using a minimum of three different medias.
3.1 LMS to Tutor Middle School Math Students used several different media. PBWorks was the wiki used to host and collaboratively develop the project, PowerPoint was used to present the material of the project, and several different screencast tools were used to make the multimedia presentations. Finally, numerous learning management systems were examined as part of the project, with Blackboard Collaborate being the LMS selected to use for the tutoring.
3.2 Applies research-based rationale for the selection and utilization of technologies for learning.
3.2 The project we completed tackled the problem of deciding on a learning management system to deliver tutoring to middle school math students as part of the overall project. This was a problem specifically in the project that required us to research learning management systems and select the technology that best fit the needs of the groups that were to be utilizing them. There is a research page on the project wiki that documents some of the research on the learning management systems.
3.3 Demonstrates ability to manage projects and evaluate progress and improvement.
3.3 This was a collaborative project that required the group to assign roles, share findings in online group sessions, and provide feedback to all group members on the progress of their assigned responsibilities. We also collaboratively solved the problem in the project and developed materials displaying this progress. The work on the project was continually being assessed and modified as needed until the final product was developed. The agendas and minutes of all online meetings were posted on the Agendas and Minutes page of the project wiki.
Responsibility 4: Evaluation. The candidate uses incisive and relevant assessment and evaluation techniques (e.g., product or project which uses formative and/or summative evaluations). Candidate demonstrates the ability to evaluate quality of instructional materials and instructional systems using appropriate methodologies. Candidate also demonstrates the ability to use formative and summative assessment methodologies to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional goals. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
4.2 Demonstrates ability to use summative strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction.
4.2 The project contained a summative assessment at the end of the instruction which was developed by the team and would be used to evaluate the quality of instruction.
4.3 Demonstrates ability to select a variety of appropriate assessment instruments and use those instruments to assess effectiveness of instruction in meeting instructional objectives.
4.3 The project contained a summative assessment at the end of the instruction which was developed by the team and would be used to evaluate the quality of instruction. The tutoring that was designed for the project had built in formative assessments in the tutoring sessions that would occur on the learning management system. |
Responsibility 5: Research. The candidate collects, evaluates, and synthesizes research from a variety of appropriate sources in order to support decision-making in design, development, implementation and evaluation of instructional systems. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
5.1 Demonstrates ability to conduct comprehensive literature review and provide summation of a relevant topic in instructional technology.
5.1 Each group member was required to research the use of learning management systems and how they could be implemented for online tutoring sessions. The research included an annotated bibliography by each group member. The annotated bibliographies of all group members were then compiled on the research page of the project wiki.
5.2 Uses research in instructional technology to justify academic decisions in course work projects and professional work-related responsibilities.
5.2 The collaborative project contained the elements of researching learning management systems for the specific purpose of delivering online tutoring. Then, based on the research, a decision as to which learning management system would be used to deliver the tutoring to middle school math students. The fifth and final brick of the project, Part E, contains some developed multimedia presentations on the learning management system research and selection process.
5.3 Uses research to justify selections of instructional strategies.
5.3 The collaborative project contained the elements of researching the style and format of tutoring to be used with the middle school math students. Based on the research, a tutoring method was selected to be delivered online via a learning management system. The fifth and final brick of the project, Part E, contains a developed multimedia presentation on the types of tutoring. |
Responsibility 6: Collaboration. The candidate demonstrates the ability to form electronic teams in order to identify and solve problems and opportunities in the field of instructional technology. The candidate demonstrates effective team building skills in a distributed collaboration environment, and demonstrates how candidate's own students or colleagues can take advantage of electronic collaboration for distributed team building. |
Performance Indicators |
Justification |
6.1 Demonstrates the ability to team electronically with professionals to identify instructional problems or opportunities and devise appropriate solutions.
6.1 This collaborative project consisted of a team of professionals solving an instructional problem/opportunity. Our problem/opportunity was to devise a method of offering tutoring to middle school students at times and places outside regular tutoring via a learning management system. The team consisted of professionals located in different geographic locations so we teamed electronically through synchronous and asynchronous online sessions. The team members bios can be found on the members page of the project wiki.
6.2 Identifies trends in distributed instruction.
6.2 Our team identified several trends in distributed instruction. We researched learning management systems and their trends as part of our problem/opportunity we were challenged with. The LMS was to deliver the online tutoring contained in our project. We also had to identify current technologies to collaborate as a team online; both synchronously and asynchronously. Finally, we identified the potential of a wiki to host our project material as we collaborated and continually modified it. |
6.3 Demonstrates effective utilization of tools necessary to implement distributed instruction.
6.3 The delivery method of instruction used in this project was a learning management system. The specific LMS was Blackboard Collaborate. Several technologies were used to develop the materials and to collaborate as a team at a distance. PBWorks was the wiki that was used as a repository for the project material that could be modified by a collaborative team until the final product was created and hosted on the wiki.
Artifact Report 6320
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